As a graduate of Alpine Truck Driver Training School,
and licensed AZ driver, I want to write this small note of gratitude to express my amazement at how excellent my experience has been. The first thing that needs to be said is, ‘WOW!’. I am totally impressed. I was blown away by how good I felt when I first met
Jack. He is the kind of person that can make you feel like a million bucks when he's around. I was so impressed with my experience with him that I lost most of the initial fear of learning. I was so
intimidated to begin learning how to drive a big truck. I had no idea what to expect. I come from a background of large machine use but I was always working on job sites or in safety zones. Driving a
‘Big Rig’ on public roads was very intimidating because I could really hurt someone or myself if I make any mistakes! So, needless to say, I had some work to do. Jack made me understand that I just
need to follow the guidance and wisdom of the instructors and to just follow his recipe for success. What really impressed me was the level of professionalism and knowledge of the instructors.
In fact, almost immediately the whole team felt more like family than a school. Jack, Clayton, and Dan were the three people who were responsible for training me and getting me up to speed on how to
operate a truck. The learning environment is very good with special tools and processes that refine the skills needed to drive a truck without any of the dangers of being on the road. The simulators
that have been put in place are an amazing way of ensuring that students are ready and have the preliminary skills needed to drive a truck before even getting into a vehicle. When you finally do get
into a vehicle the instructors are amazing at ensuring everything goes smoothly and your confidence builds as the experience continues.
Clayton, your in-truck instructor, is extremely patient and he is your constant reminder to just follow the schools recipe for success, which has been developed through many years of excellence. He
makes sure that you understand everything about the truck, from the basics to the unique things you'll need to know when on your own out on the open road. Dan, the yard-instructor, will make sure
that you're up to standards with the features of the tractor-trailer and what you have to know in order to operate a big truck before even getting into the vehicle. Even through the most stressful
times, just following the guidance of the instructors will ensure you are a successful graduate and licensed driver! I can now proudly say that because of the amazing instructors, the recipe
for success, and my dedicated attitude, I am now a licensed driver and successful graduate of the Alpine Truck Driver Training School and would recommend this school to anyone looking to learn how to
enter the amazing world of Driving a Truck!
Thanks so much Alpine!! See you all on the open road :) All the
Eddie Kays
“Getting into trucking just 8 months ago seemed like a dream. After being fed up with the jobs I had done and the schools I had gone to I needed a change. Driving across southern Ontario for my own leisure had initially sparked the idea. I enjoy seeing new places and driving, and on top of that I thought, imagine making money while doing so. Having no boss constantly looking over your shoulder, embarking on constant new and exciting adventures, what could be more stimulating. So I had made up my mind, I would attempt to embark on a new career path and lifestyle choice, trucking, the only question now was where do I start, I guess getting trained. I did some research and discovered that when looking for a school it would be best to find one close to where I lived and that was also was registered with the TTSAO. Three schools came up near the Markham and Finch area so i decided to go there in person. The first two schools I went to made me feel like I was way in over my head. They demanded that I pass my written test first before enrolling, and outlined a very strict pay scheme and course schedule that must be followed. They said that if my payments or attendance were not up to their standards I would be expelled from the program. Then I got to Alpine. The first person I spoke to was the owners daughter. She was very nice and addressed all my concerns immediately. She told me that not only would the school help me pass the written test at MTO with in class readings and videos, but she also worked out a pay schedule that fit my current situation and greatly reduced the stress of not having any money and just starting a new job at the time. She also informed me that I can create my own schedule for coming to school to accommodate any other matters in my life, this really helped as I ended up taking two weeks off for work and I had continued school when I returned as if I never left. I ended up passing my written test with flying colours, and to this day I was never pressured to make any payments to the school, the owner Jack was much more concerned with my learning progress than my financial situation. However this was just the beginning of Alpine helping me achieve my goal of truck driving. When I had passed my written test and finished all my in class videos I had moved onto my second stage of training, the simulators. Jack had constructed two types of simulators in the garage which were to be mastered before heading into the truck. One was used to perfect the upshifting and downshifting patterns and one was used to master backing up in a straight line and on an angle. This was the hardest part for both me and I bet a lot of the students. Not because of the difficulty but because we were so anxious to get in the truck that we didn't want to be bothered mastered a simulation of the truck. Everyday I was using those simulators Jack stressed the importance of using them saying that once we mastered them the truck would be easy. I didn't realize how right he was until I jumped into the truck, Jack had set the foundation of our skills in those simulators and before we knew it we weren't just driving up and down the lot, we were on the road and then the highway. A week before the road test I was really nervous and Jack could see it in my face. He came up to me and asked me what was wrong, when I told him that I was constantly thinking about the test he told me to relax. He knew that all the time he put into me was going to make me pass the test. He consistently told me I would pass since the moment I jumped in the truck and never doubted me for a second, and he was right. When the test date came around despite the fact that I was nervous I passed. I just remember all the things I was taught at Alpine and because of that I was congratulated by the examiner on a job well done. After my test Jack helped me find a job and told me that Alpine’s doors were always open if I ever needed anything. This solidified the fact that Alpine became more that a school to me, it became family. I am definitely going to miss all the laughs with the instructors and the students. All the times Jack would come into the garage and catch us talking and saying “if you have time to talk, you have time to do the simulator.” I only hope that my career in trucking will be half as good as my experience at Alpine.”
Avraam Neaga.
Where do I begin. I'll just start by saying that I am very happy that I made the right decision to pick Alpine for my Training. Jack and Clay took
me from nothing to living my dream of becoming a truck driver, Guys like these are very hard to come by. They helped me find confidence in myself that I've never had in my whole life of going to
school I always thought it was me that could never learn anything but now I know I was wrong about myself all these years thanks to the guys at alpine. I would just like to say thank you from the
bottom of my heart you guys are great never change. They are very trustworthy and love to see their students succeed, I don't really see any bad reviews but for the people that put one stars for
these guys are bogus and have never even step foot into this school once you are a student at alpine you will forever be grateful that you made the right choice and stepped through those doors
because once you step through those doors you become FAMILY and that's a pretty big thing in my books. Now I've only done my DZ but they still walked me through everything about these road monsters.
I plan to gain some experience in DZ and I will for sure go back to Alpine for my AZ in the future. No other school can touch these guys they have everything you need to learn to become a driver.
When I first stepped foot in the truck I felt great as I've never even been in one before it was a big step but they made it worth while and I can't say thank you enough. I will for sure be heading
back when I feel it is time to upgrade to my AZ. Thank you Jack Thank you Clay I appriciate all that you guys have done you both made me a better person.
Daniel Matthew K